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Community Rewards Program

Empowering Our Ambassadors

Since 2018, our project has thrived thanks to a committed community.

With Kryll³, we're enhancing community involvement, treating members as ambassadors. The Community Rewards Program encourages participation through quests and evangelization, aligning with our values of simplicity and transparency.

These initiatives offer members more than tasks; they are chances to actively contribute to the growth of Kryll³ and earn by doing so.

Harpoon interface

Quests and Rewards: A Journey Together

Our dApp's personal space is your gateway to engaging with the ecosystem, offering a range of quests that encompass holding tokens, sharing news, participating in DAO votes, and inviting friends through referral links and more. Every action you take not only contributes to the ecosystem's growth but also rewards you in XP points, marking your progress as you gain levels and unlock exclusive rewards and rights.

Engagement Areas

Token Holding

Belief in our vision is rewarded. The longer you hold, the more you're recognized.

News Sharing

Be the voice of Kryll³. Spread the word and be rewarded for bringing more eyes to our project.

DAO Participation

Your vote shapes our future. Engage in governance and contribute to our direction and success.


Referrals: Invite friends and expand our community. Your efforts are rewarded with exclusive perks.

And more is coming…

How to Earn Rewards


KRL Hodling

Earn points and AI credits by holding $KRL tokens on your wallet.


AI Utilization

Ask questions about the project, the team, the DAO, the $KRL token and be rewarded!



Complete Galxe Quests, Get Experients Points and Earn!


Share & Earn

Earn points and AI credits by actively sharing and promoting Kryll³ AI!


Spread the word

Share your chat with Kryll³ AI through X and earn extra points.


Refer Friends

Earn 10% of the points earned by each user you refer, amplifying your earning power on Kryll³

Unlocking Potential Together

As we move forward, your involvement will be key to unlocking the vast potential of Kryll³. Through the Community Rewards Program, we aim to not just reward participation but to foster a sense of ownership and pride in being part of something transformative. Let's embark on this journey together, where every contribution is valued, and every achievement is celebrated.

Join us now and be part of a community where engagement leads to empowerment, and every member is an ambassador of our shared future in the realm of digital assets.

The specifics of the quests, rewards, and how to participate are detailed within the personal space of our dApp. Start your journey today and see how your involvement can pave the way for not just personal rewards, but for the growth and success of the Kryll³ ecosystem!


Kryll³ Community Rewards Program FAQ

What is the Kryll³ Community Rewards Program?

The Kryll³ Community Rewards Program is designed to enhance community involvement by treating members as ambassadors. This program encourages participation through quests and evangelization, aligning with our values of simplicity and transparency. Members actively contribute to the growth of Kryll³ and earn rewards through various engaging activities.

How can I join the Kryll³ Rewards Program?

To join the Community Rewards Program, simply navigate to the dedicated page within our dApp. There, you will find all the necessary steps to start your journey and begin earning rewards.

What types of rewards can I earn by participating ?

By participating in the Kryll³ program, you can earn a variety of rewards including exclusive advantages within our dApp. Additionally, you will earn XP points for your activities, which help track your progress and level up within the community. Galxe OATs are also part of the reward system, offering unique future benefits that will be revealed as you continue your participation. Together, these elements create a comprehensive rewards system that appreciates your active involvement.

What are the basic actions to earn points in the Community Program?

There are several key activities through which you can earn points and other rewards within the Community Rewards Program: KRL Hodling, AI Utilization, Galxe Quests, Tweet Sharing, Share & Earn, Referring Friends.

How can I maximize my Kryll³ rewards ?

Engagement in various facets of the Community Rewards Program inherently leads to maximized rewards. While each action you take contributes to your growth within the community, participants often find that maintaining a balance of KRL hodling, and participating in both our platform's quests and those from Galxe forms a robust approach.

How can I see my progress and levels in the dApp?

Yes, you can view your progress and levels directly within the dApp from the Community Rewards section. This section allows you to track your achievements, XP Points and Galaxy OATs.